emotional healing

Emotional Triggers – What are they? How can we heal them?

Abuse, neglect and trauma affects most of us in our lives. In psychology, triggers are defined as an event or stimulus that brings to the surface a past traumatic experience. It could be anything from people, scents, places, watching disturbing online content, harmful substances, or anything else that serves as reminders for intense or distracting emotions.

Triggers can be overwhelming, however it is extremely worthwhile to take some time to identify what your triggers actually are and the detrimental impact they are having on your life both personally and professionally. A few examples of some situations that can trigger strong emotions are rejection; betrayal; unjust treatment; challenged beliefs; helplessness or loss of control; feeling unwanted or unneeded. Can you relate to any of these?

The next time you feel triggered, ask yourself why is this trigger here? What is its purpose? You’ll have to take a deep dive to find the answers. It is important to note that we cannot blame others for making us behave in a certain way repeatedly. Of course, if there are people in your life who are always triggering you, then it is up to you to decide whether or not you need to minimise contact with them.

Some tips on healing emotional triggers:

  • Own your triggers

  • Love yourself unconditionally

  • Release the past

  • Commit to the healing process

  • Seek support if you need it

The plain truth is, as adults, we have to accept full responsibility for our triggers and our subsequent reactions towards others.