Ghosting – Why does it happen? What can we learn?

Have you ever meet someone you just hit it off with? Someone you could be yourself with? Someone you could chat to and laugh with for hours? It can be an exciting and exhilarating time. There are a lot of people in this world so when you meet someone like this, it feels pretty awesome. So what happens when you swap contact details and you never hear from that person again or they neglect to respond to your ‘How are you going?’ messages?

It is most likely that you have been ghosted. Being left hanging without warning can have detrimental impacts on a person’s well-being on many levels (mentally, emotionally, physically. When I have been ghosted, I find myself asking the question WHY? WHY? WHY? . It goes on repeat in my head and in some cases, I have felt like my heart has been kicked in with steel capped boots.

Why does it happen? What does ghosting say about a person?

A person who cuts off communication without any warning is indicative of a person who may lack emotional maturity. Your connection may have triggered some strong emotional responses in them that they struggled to process and manage. The Ghoster may feel that blocking/ignoring you is the the easiest and quickest option to deploy.

What lessons we can learn from being ghosted?

  • Be more discerning of who you allow into your life.

  • Making the effort is a two way street.

  • Sometimes things just don’t work out and that’s OK.

  • Don’t be afraid to feel pissed off! Feel it. Release it.

  • Actions have consequences.

It is important to take some time to heal from your ghosting experience and realise that sometimes people only come into our lives for a short time to teach us something valuable.