QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

QHHT was developed and refined by the late Dolores Cannon, USA. Dolores’ technique involves inducing the client into a very deep state of hypnosis with the aid of visualisation.

In this state, we endeavour to access past, present and even future lives and then onto the all powerful Subconscious for answers, insights, advice and healing.

Considering a QHHT session but unsure? Questions to ask yourself.

Are you on a spiritual journey and seeking healing?

Do you feel completely different and out of place in this world?

Do you identify as an Empath or HSP (highly sensitive person)?

Do you feel like you’re an old soul?

Are you more right brain (intuition, imagination) than left brain (logic, facts)?

Do you tend to have intense and vivid dreams?

If you answered YES to most or all of these, then a QHHT session could be worth exploring.

This type of therapy is a not a ‘quick fix’  - preparation and intention on your part is essential. Also note, it is important to understand that healing can only occur if you want to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of your lifetime.

**Currently I'm only available to facilitate 1-2 QHHT sessions a month on a Saturday - please inquire**
