Shadow Work/Mastery - Benefits & Drawbacks

Embarking on Shadow work can help you flourish into a more mature and balanced human being. Many people exist with parts of themselves being disowned or dumped. This can lead to unsettling and destructive behaviour when triggered.

 Shadow Work/Mastery benefits include:

  • Emotional Maturity – This is where we develop a healthy self-concept - not thinking too highly or too lowly of ourselves.

  • Personal Responsibility – This means you’ll act responsibly and appropriately in all situations – you’ll neither overreact or underreact.  

  • Personal Honesty – This is all about keeping it real when it comes to your dealings with others, and also yourself! This includes being honest about your true feelings and emotions. No more hidden agendas!

  • Spiritual Maturity – This work will provide solid reasons for spiritual practices and studies. You’ll learn to develop an approach to God/Universe/Higher Power in many healthy and profound ways.

  • Compassion - This is so important especially in the current chaotic times we are experiencing! Be there for others, listen and accept them for who they are and refrain from passing judgement!

  • Overall Improved Health - Integrating your shadow can have marked improvement on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Shadow work/mastery, despite all its benefits is not all sunshine, kittens and fairy floss!

Some drawbacks include:

  • Upheaval - Shadow work/mastery can make you see everything in your life through a completely different lens – you’ll start to question your core beliefs and values which may shake you up a little (or a lot)! You may even decide that the life you are currently living needs a major overhaul!

  • Emotional Labour - Shadow work/mastery can bring repressed emotions to the surface, such as those from childhood. These can be intensely strong, and the suffering can be challenging. It can take a while to process these emotions and integrate them, and it can be a formidable experience.

  • Changing Of Narratives - When you do shadow work, these narratives can change dramatically. This may not sound daunting in theory, but in practice, it can be pretty intense e.g. “my mother always complained that I was a difficult child to deal with” can be changed to “my mother was frustrated because she didn’t know how to cope with my sensitive/empathic nature”.

 Here’s a few questions to get you started on your Shadow Work/Mastery journey.

  1. When is the last time you felt let down? Examine how you felt and whether it was truly rational, or if you were triggered.

  2. Think of a relationship you chose to sever. Write down all the positive things that came out of that separation.  

  3. What memories bring you shame? Think about who you were then, what led to your behaviour, and how you’ve changed since. Now write out the words ‘I did the best I could in that situation and now I choose to forgive myself’. Repeat this several times.

  4. What emotions tend to bring out the worst in you? Why do you think that is?

  5. Think about a person who has caused you considerable hurt and suffering. Write them a letter telling them all the things you’d like to say.

If you'd like support on your Shadow Work/Mastery journey, please contact me.