Buddying up with your Intuition - You are what you've been looking for

Our intuition put plainly is an inner 'knowing’ that something feels off or not right.  Some people refer to that ‘knowing’ as a hunch, a gut feeling or an inner voice.

If you are particularly sensitive and empathic like I am, your intuitive ‘voice’ may have started at a very young age.  For as long as I can remember, I was often able to sense when people were angry, upset or depressed without them uttering one word. I could even sense when people were lying or keeping secrets from me. As a young child, I found it quite unsettling and struggled to talk about what I was experiencing for fear of ridicule!

Fast forward to adulthood and I can testify that my life experiences and training in counselling, shadow mastery and quantum healing hypnosis have taught me that my intuition is a powerful and precious gift that can serve me well if developed and nurtured appropriately.  

So, how can you develop and nurture your intuition?

  • Meditation with a strong focus on the Crown and Third Eye Chakras.

  • Observe what and who is around you and the messages you receive.

  • Negative self-talk, toxic habits and people can distract you from connecting with your intuition, so be aware of who and what you give your energy to.

  • Pay attention to your dreams even if they don’t seem to make sense at first. Your subconscious mind often conveys messages through imagery, symbolism and metaphors.

  • Notice any gut sensations as your body is always communicating with you. If you find you’re experiencing gut discomfort around a particular person or situation, it’s important to pay attention and investigate why it is happening.

Your intuition is a powerful gift that can guide and empower you to make wise and balanced decisions as well as gain access to deeper wisdom and intelligence.

Also be aware of overthinking too much. Your gut feelings, knowings and hunches cannot be forced and will occur spontaneously. Trust and believe in yourself.