No substance

Breadcrumbing - What is it? What does it look like?

Breadcrumbing is where a person leads you on by sprinkling you with romantic/sexual “crumbs” of interest such as occasional text messages, phone calls, plans to meet up, or a social media interaction. These crumbs will happen at irregular intervals and the person responsible will tend to act in a noncommittal manner.

What does Breadcrumbing look like?

  • The Breadcrumber will tend to blow hot and cold. Their messaging is inconsistent. They may be fast and furious one minute then completely unresponsive the next!

  • The messages they send are often ambiguous and noncommittal. For instance, they may suggest catching up but will avoid to cement in an actual date/time.  

  • Their communication lacks substance. Generally their messages are fairly shallow and superficial. They may be reluctant to make the necessary effort to really get to know you.

  • Breadcrumbers like to ‘booty call’.  They may not say those exact words but if they are asking if you want to catch up at your house then it is probably safe to say that their intentions are booty call based! If you have strong feelings for this person, be wary of trying to advance the relationship to a deeper level. Chances are they may without warning just disappear into the ether!

So why do people breadcrumb others?

Deep down many of these people struggle with low self-worth which has not been fully addressed and healed. They constantly need validation and reassurance from others that they are attractive, special and unique.

What can you do? Get real with yourself and work out how you wish to be treated. Seek out support, practice self-care and be kind to yourself!